Archive for 2012-August-22

[Sneak Preview] – OpenBeam LemonCurry

Rachel’s away in South Africa on a business trip, and I’m awaiting my shipping supplies, refurbished thermal printer for printing postal labels, and for the gentlemen at MicroRAX to cut my aluminum extrusions on a robosaw to finish the Trebuchet Kits.  So, I took a few hours out of my day to work on something that’s been on my mind for a long time…

OpenBeam Lemon Curry

This is the beginnings of an OpenBeam LemonCurry – a DLP based resin printer.  My goal is to use OpenBeam, OpenRail, and a few special sauce components that I am still keeping under wraps right now to build a DLP printer for under $1000. It had always been my intention to release under Open Source License reference designs for each class of 3D Printers out there (DLP, Powder, SLS, FDM-Rostock, FDM-Cartesian) an tonight I am taking a very exciting first step to fulfill that goal!

As you can see, I backed Michael on the B9Creator project for the resin reward. I’ve also acquired a refurbished DLP projector and had just started stripping all the extra PCBs off the casing and consolidating it into one package. I’ve already taken the lens off to take measurements for the lens spacer to move the lens assembly forward to modify the DLP projector for short throw projection, and the Sylgard 184 is already in house. And yes, I’ve test fired the projector after mucking with the optics and it’s still working fine. (I do have an unfair advantage; I design optical microscopes for my day job).

I still have an obligation to fill for my trebuchet backer guys, as well as some last straggling international orders and missing parts order to fill, so my time on this project is going to be somewhat limited. For now. You can bet I’m going to be tackling this like a starving chihuahua going after a juicy pork chop once all my Kickstarter obligations are fulfilled. 🙂